The Best Children’s Books by Love travelling family

The Best Children’s Books

Looking for an inspiration and good children’s books? Here you’ll find the list of the best kids books and stories for kids we’ve read recently. I must admit, whenever I enter someone’s home and I notice that there are no books there, I am literally scared. I’m scared as I know that no matter how […]

Love travelling family at 80th birthday of the Tibetan Buddhist teacher Garchen Rinpoche

Always follow the White Rabbit

About Alice in Wonderland, birthdays, and Tibet: why you should always follow the White Rabbit, what magical places the Rabbit-Hole may lead you to, and how we ended up on the 80th birthday of the Tibetan Buddhist teacher Garchen Rinpoche Down the Rabbit-Hole “Alice was beginning to get very tired of sitting by her sister […]


Freedom of Speech

Freedom of speech is guaranteed in many countries. In the US it’s protected by the First Amendment. It is recognized by other countries constitutions and laws. But what is this freedom of speech? Let me quote Wiki here: “Freedom of speech is the right to communicate one’s opinions and ideas without fear of government retaliation […]


An epidemic of „Das ist meins“

Last month we met with our friends from England and they told us a story about how their 2 years old son can say one thing in German: “Das ist meins!” (“it’s mine!”)  – that’s what he learned on the playground. We had a laugh about it. But later on it hit me: it’s not […]

travel discovery box

DIY toys: Travel Discovery Box

Whenever some birthday, Christmas, or any other gifts-giving-celebration is on the horizon, I’m asking myself the same question: What should I get for my daughter? It is not that I don’t know what toys she likes, but usually I get her “gifts” during all the year. But somehow it always happens, that when holidays or […]

DIY toys for toddlers

DIY toys for toddlers

Small travelers coming home. So we were travelling for few months, met different people on the road, played with kids at Slavs and Vikings festival, changed diapers on the grass in national parks, ate sand at Baltic Sea, played with everything and found everything interesting. We came back home, to our sweet 4 walls with […]

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