If you are travelling a lot with kids, you will soon encounter the question of how they can keep up with you. Luckily, there are a lot of possibilities. Apart from simply carrying the kid your arm – which you know is not that simple anymore after some time – there exists a large number […]
Category: Tips about travelling
All about travelling.
Work Trips with Family Part 2
Time for the second part of our guide to work trips with family. Now let’s go into more details and find out about sightseeing and shopping Sightseeing: what, when, and how If you are staying longer than 2 days in one place, planning sightseeing is much easier as you don’t have to worry about time. […]
Work Trips with Family Part 1
Our trip to Dresden was not simply a vacation trip, but a conference one. Dario had a Physics conference in Dresden and we (Zofia and me) joined him. How to do conference trips with all the family? Here are a few tips from our Love Travelling Family experience. First of all, I personally don’t know […]
How to travel with a baby or a toddler
Travelling with a baby or a toddler does not have to be “the most difficult/crazy/OMG thing in the world.” Here are our tips on how to travel with a kid. Before we start about how to travel with a baby or a toddler, let’s agree on one thing: this is not an article about why […]
Travel tips for families
How to visit 5 capitals in one year: travel tips for families Last year was a good year. It was the year when we travelled to 5 capitals and were in 8 countries. And it didn’t happen because we are rich and have unlimited budget. Neither, because we are unrealistic hippies wandering happily through the […]
Travelling with your child on the back
We travel a lot. We love being on the road. We appreciate the freedom.It was always clear, that Zofia will be with us on our journey. It was also clear, that most of the places we will go to are not suitable for strollers (check out for example the streets in Trinidad, Cuba). So […]
Travel Medication
If you are planning your trip to Cuba, you should spend some time preparing and thinking about your travel medication. Of course you should do that whenever you travel, but knowing the medical conditions in Cuba makes you paying a bit more attention to what you want to take, especially when you are travelling with […]
We love travelling, they hate us.
Never good enough to travel. It all started with a conversation I overheard in Poland: “My daughter came just for few days back from studies and she went for one week to Lublin, then 2 weeks to Petersburg. My husband tells her to stop wasting money. But I calm him down and say: let her […]
Magic Travels
What is travelling? Travelling is far more than visiting new places. It is not just a check-list or a scratch-off map of the countries you’ve been to (We got one of those once. It made us so confused. We had no idea what to scratch off. For example after being in Madrid should we scratch […]